Laya Kazerouni
Laya Kazerouni is a 22 year old Iranian artist, who is currently student of École des Beaux-Arts de Paris.
« Through the years, growing up in the Islamic republic of Iran, where women had to be covered up - head to toe - and a religious family, I was always curious about female body, its posture which through the years started with self practice in the mirror. I’ve been doing self portraits for three years and this process lead me to want to get to know other women’s bodies, physics, emotions and movements as well. So I used a close friend as my model. Putting the camera and filming her while resting and meanwhile talking to me. In a chill night with a little lamp on, in Tehran. This is where my series come from. »
Laya Kazerouni is a 22 year old Iranian artist, who is currently student of École des Beaux-Arts de Paris.